Why Everyone Needs a Rolex

Rolex: the pinnacle of watches in today’s society. If you know someone who has one, chances are they didn’t get it by accident.

Most people who are reading this are never gifted a Rolex. Instead, those people who aspire to be great must work tirelessly until they can acquire one.

As a little bit of an experiment, I told myself one year that If I could personally contribute “X” amount in fees for Top Talent in a twelve-month time span, I would reward myself with a Rolex.

The adventure began that upcoming January.

Leading up to the start of this journey, I came up with a clear plan of attack as to how I’d get “X” in fees for my company. I knew I was going to have to work extra hours when necessary, but I was committed.  At the end of the year, I had achieved my goal.

I felt like a million bucks. Not specifically because I had a Rolex now, but because I rewarded myself for the hard work I had just put in with something that I had always wanted. This Rolex served as a reminder that pushing myself can actually pay dividends over time.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that most executives could have their own “Rolex” if they just put a plan together and worked hard. Today, I want to cover how you can get your own “Rolex!”

Step 1. Find Your “Rolex”

First and foremost, your “Rolex” can be anything. It doesn’t have to literally be a $15,000 dollar watch or have the same monetary value as a real Rolex, but it needs to be something that, without effort from you and support from your employer, you will fail to achieve. Examples would be: A week-long vacation in Hawaii, or buying a new car.

Step 2. Set the Deadline

With every goal that you want to achieve, a deadline is necessary. A good rule of thumb would be a year or at least three months. 3-12 months is a good timeframe to achieve most “Rolex-esque” goals.

Step 3. Devise the Plan 

Now it’s time to figure out how you are going to get your “Rolex.” The best way to do this is by walking backward with your KPIs and your compensation.

If you know it takes you a certain amount of calls/emails/texts/screens to get a lead, do the math to see what it takes to get your end result that results in enough commission/bonus to afford your Rolex.

For example: I need to source 100 candidates because 50 of them will respond, 25 will be interested, 12 will be qualified for a role, 6 will interview with our client, 3 will get to the second interview, and one will result in a placement and a commission check. I then need six of those commission checks to afford my Rolex. Boom! Now you know how you are going to get your Rolex!

Additionally, I highly recommend sharing your “Rolex” goal with your immediate supervisor. Accountability from others always helps when you pursue a difficult goal.

4. Put it All Together!

An important disclaimer is that there are no guarantees in life. You can put all this work in and not be rewarded with your ultimate prize. Simultaneously, if you want to get something you’ve never experienced, you’ll have to do things you’ve never done before.

Pick a stretch goal, set a deadline, come up with a metric-based plan, get accountability, put in the work, and you will have better odds of getting your dream item.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail as I always say. Now go get your dream with these tips!

About Top Talent LLC

With over 80 years of Logistics experience, Top Talent is a recognized leader in Talent Acquisition for Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain., Let us put our team to work for you. To learn more about successful strategies for getting those impact players and game-changers on your team, reach out to us today.

Michael Monson
President and CEO
Top Talent LLC
Email: michael@toptalentllc.com